Transformational Love and Relationship Coach

Jen Thatcher Coaching

Create Miracles

Realize your Higher Potential.

Elevate, Expand & Evolve

A larger life is calling you!

Life is Creative

Anything is possible!

Are you living an unfulfilling life?
Are you feeling unworthy of love?
Are you looking for your soul partner?

You may be feeling disappointed, let down, frustrated, heartbroken, or lost your sense of self.

These feelings can become so overwhelming and consuming,
believing that you will never find the love you’re yearning for.

Where ever you are on this journey
I want to help illuminate the way to healing from the inside out.

Love energy starts in you, it is self-sourced.


Empowered love,

the one you are looking for,
starts with a personal relationship with yourself.


The way in is to create the awareness with your soul essence first
in order to create beautiful alchemy with another.


Welcome to the tribe.

Together in partnership we are manifesting love and joy
through healing the deepest parts of ourselves
and stepping into who we truly are meant to be.

To create a life, a world, that is more conscious and full of LOVE,
one beautiful soul at a time.

And this journey starts with you!

Schedule your Clarity Session

This 30-minutes complimentary clarity session is to discover how I can support you.

Book Your Session
Jen Thatcher Coaching Photo

I am a certified Calling in the One Coach. Calling in “The One”™ and Conscious Uncoupling™ coaching processes were created and are owned by New York Times Best Selling author, Katherine Woodward Thomas.


My spiritual awakening happened when my 27-year marriage ended and I was left feeling stripped of the only identity I knew. Katherine Woodward Thomas’s books “Conscious Uncoupling” and “Calling in the One” were my roadmap to finding my sovereign self again.
Becoming a coach has been my ultimate healing. It is now my purpose and life’s calling to guide others on their own transformational journey, guiding them to their highest potential, and a life full of beauty and joy.

With so much love,


Calling In the One

Awaken to your power to create the love and life you’ve been dreaming of.

True You Awakening

Identify  where you’re generating your life from and start living your truth. 

Deep Dive

Uncover the truth of who you truly are and step into your magnificence. 

When you work with me…

I will create a sacred and safe place for you to uncover these painful places that are hidden inside so you can be set free. I will illuminate with love and support all the subconscious ways that you are generating your life. When you partner with me you will have a compassionate and wise guide to show you the way out of the darkness. I too have been on the hard journey and I can’t wait to show you the way home. To your whole healed, true self.

You will finally…

  • Liberate yourself from false beliefs that keep you stuck in old repeating pattern
  • Awaken to the truth of your value and worthiness to love and be loved and transform all of your relationships
  • Understand how life has been happening through you rather than to you and start generating life from your true center
  • Become a magnet to the kind of soulful love you deeply desire.


  • See clearly the inconsistencies, incompletions, and invisible barriers that block you from having the life and love you desire- and learn how to dissolve these obstacles once and for all.
  • Discover the secrets to becoming magnetic to all things beautiful, good, and true-that you can apply to all areas of your life.
  • Unleash your power to realize your higher potentials in life and love.

“You are free to choose the concept you will accept of yourself.
Therefore, you possess the power of intervention.
The power which enables you to alter the course of your future.”

– Neville Goddard

Jen has a magnificent way of processing what she’s heard and relating directly to the KW Thomas book and work. She is intuitive and is a naturally attuned listener. I would recommend Jen Thatcher Coaching to anyone who is ready to open up their heart and learn the beautiful inner workings of their soul.

-Sara W

“Jen has a natural, intuitive, compassionate coaching style that allowed me to feel nurtured and safe to dive deep into my old patterns and beliefs that I have carried through all of my relationships. After even one session, I felt so clear and empowered to connect to who I really am.”

-Kathy B

Having Jen as a coach accelerated my growth and creative process. Jen helped me peel apart any internal obstacles I had and free myself of old ideas. With her patience and guidance, I was able to step back into life and love with clarity and power.

- Jess Y

With Jen’s help I became more confident in who I am and what I was looking for in a life partner. About 6 months after working with Jen I met my beloved! We are going on a year now of being together. He is the first man I have ever dated who truly adores me for who I am. We hug each other and ask ‘where have you been all my life?!?  I highly recommend Jen to anyone who wants to learn more about themselves and learn how to make space to ‘Call in the One’! 

- Carla R

"You must be willing to give up what you are in order to become who you were meant to be.”

-Orrin Woodward

Connect with me!

I am here to support you every step of the way on your path to uncover the truth of who you truly are!

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(805) 334-3338